The smarter way to craft listings quickly

Create property listings in minutes with AI!

Get the app now!

Funi mobile app interface showing property listing creation start screen

It's that easy

Just tap record button in our app, then walk the place like you normally do. Our AI will take care of the rest.

How it works


Pick listing type

Simply select your listing type and property type. You can optionally specify the location of the property.


Record or add videos

Record or add videos of the property. For better results, whisper clues about the property to the AI during recording.


Ready for publish

Give our AI a moment to work its magic. You'll have full control over the generated content—review and publish when you're ready.

Creating an engaging listing is as easy as 1, 2, 3!

  • No forms to fill!
  • No endless options to choose from!
  • Not a single word to type!
  • Simply record a quick walkthrough video of the property as if you're showing it to someone in person. That's all it takes!
  • Our AI will take care of the rest. You'll be amazed at the high-quality, ready-to-publish listing it creates from your video.
Explore Our Features

Real Estate Professionals

Frequently Asked Questions

Funi mobile app interface showing property listings

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